Peter Smittenaar
A lot of people spend too much time with their hand on the mouse when navigating their computer. Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to improve your speed, and I recommend using them at least in Word, Excel and Powerpoint and in Gmail. But what about opening files on your own computer? Windows’ own system to access files is slow and clunky. I’ve started using Launchy a while ago and it would be hard to go back now that I’ve gotten used to it. When searching for files it’s amazingly fast and pleasant to use. You hit your shortcut to open up Launchy, type the first few letters of the file you’re looking for, and hit enter. Definitely a lot faster than opening Explorer and navigating through all your folders. This efficiency drive is inspired by books like the excellent 4-Hour Work Week and software like Rescuetime (also see my guide to Rescuetime).
I used to recommend Weby to quickly search your email, contacts, wikipedia, google, and whatever site can take a search query, but it's been a little temperamental in my hands. Many people have gotten it to work though, so I recommend doing a little Google research to get it to work as you want. In my case turning 'Runny' off helped somewhat, but it's still not perfect. I now prefer to use Autohotkey, which is a post for another day.
Here’s a few resources for using Launchy, Weby, and other useful things to do with Launchy. Enjoy!
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